How can we inject our personalities into our ceremony so that it’s uniquely ours?
Great question, it took some soul searching on the best way to answer this.
If you have a church or register office ceremony, you all know what to expect, you have to understand that it is all about the process that every couple has to follow to make it legal, you have a set service following rules and guidelines.
I myself had a register office ceremony; it was lovely but was filled with set words by a stranger.
I get it, I really do, and both of these ceremonies are legal marriages and have to be carried out a certain way.
But everyone knows it’s not about the people, but the process.
The main difference with a Celebrant led service at this time; it is not a legal marriage, but a Wedding Ceremony
for each person to declare their feelings in vows to each other.
My job is to make sure that they are the most important words of your day.
Saying what is important to each other; in front of the most important people that you want to witness this moment.
It can take as long or as little time as you wish.
As a Celebrant, my job is to get to know you and learn as much about you personalities as possible.
When you contact me to ask about a ceremony, the first thing I like to do is arrange a meeting, so that we can chat and learn what your dreams are for your big day.
Now, yes. I can honestly say I am relatively new to this world, but I have still had some strange requests.
What do you say to the couple that want a nudist ceremony! Or the lady that wants to be Princess Leia.
Yes, everyone has their own personality and some ideas are more unique than others, but that’s ok.
That’s what makes it personal to you.
So be it Luke Skywalker, Minnie mouse (my favourite) your personality will shine through on your day
Remember, this is all only my point of view, everyone has their own style and personality that makes them unique, so go for it, be unique and have the personal ceremony that means the most to you both.
Be bold, be brave, be you!